(Dive in - each image links to a video)
Excerpt: The Shed's Open Call: The Dark Girl Chronicles: Chronicle X Image: Ahad Subzwari @aalisub
Firedancing Reel Image: Brian Wimer @brianwimerart
Excerpt I: Simultaneous Portals from Desire: A Sankofa Dream, May 2021 (*Margaret*)
Trio Excerpt I: somewheres: a world-in-progress Image: Muse Dodd @museofire
Duet Excerpt I: Drexciya: Study II Image: Muse Dodd @museofire
Trio Excerpt: another goddamn lesbian movie / a choreopoem
Solo + Ensemble Excerpt: "Priestess of Twerk" Image: Paula Cort
'Baptism' Music Video Image: Walesca
Black Gold' Music Video
Monologue Excerpt: another goddamn lesbian movie / a choreopoem
NYLON Pride: Queer the Culture Sizzle ft. The Dance Cartel
Excerpt II: Simultaneous portals from Desire: A Sankofa Dream, May 2021 (*Margaret*)
Healing the Black Body Spell: for when we need to remember how to rest
Excerpt: The Shed's Open Call: The Illustrious Blacks Image by: Noemie Tshinanga @noemietshinanga
Monologue + Solo Excerpt II: somewheres: a world-in-progress Image by Muse Dodd @museofire
Contemporary Class at Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater Studios
Excerpt I: final for "Choreographies of Writing: Black Fists and Four Letter Words" class
Solo from Hip Hop Class in Shanghai, China
Excerpt I: NYLON Pride: Queer the Culture
Ensemble Excerpt: VanityQ's PrideYAY Drag Performance
Ensemble & Duet Excerpt: Drexciya: Study II Image by: Muse Dodd @museofire
Excerpt: The Dance Cartel performance for WOMEN OF THE PUBLIC Gala image by Maddy Talias @maddytalias
The Mortality Machine: What to Expect Snippet
Groups from Reggaetown class in Shanghai, China
Excerpt: Soundstep with SLMDances
Excerpt II: NYLON Pride: Queer the Culture
Atención Attention short film
Excerpt: Black Breath - A Moving Meditation on Breath + Being
Excerpt II: final for "Choreographies of Writing: Black Fists and Four Letter Words" class
Excerpt II: The Shed's Open Call: The Illustrious Blacks Image by: Noemie Tshinanga @noemietshinanga
Ensemble Excerpt: Drexciya: Study II (2nd showing)
Burlesque Excerpt: Flirt & Flow Variety Show
Pole dancing Reel